Saturday, 29 August 2015

Fedora 22 Release Event

This time I was more excited to host Fedora Release event as we were planning to host this event college level. Met Dr.Sandeep Abang HOD of CSMSS Engineering College for approval. He didn't even spend a minute to approve this event. He booked College Auditorium 25 days before. 

Pravin Satpute and Pushpendra Chavan was with me to host this event. Pravin wasn't sure about attending the event due to internal workloads but fortunately managed attending it at the last moment
Pravin Satpute discussing about Fedora with Principal Dr.U.B.Shinde

We started at 11.30 by cake cutting; as we spent 30 minutes with college Principal Dr.U.B Shinde and staff members for discussion about Fedora. Pravin Satpute has given Fedora Introduction, I Ashutosh Bhakare presented a demo on Fedora 22 Installation;  Started with Fedora 22 net installation disk unfortunately not able to complete it as something went wrong with this iso. So finally  done the same using Fedora 22 Server iso. 

 From left: Ms. Ipsita C, Principle Dr. U. B. Shinde, Pravin Satpute, Ashutosh Bhakare, Pushpendra C. Hod. Dr. S. P. Abhang
Students with DVD
Pushpendra Chavan given a talk on latest features of Fedora 22. He interacted well with all students which made his talk more enjoyable :). At last Pravin Satupte guided all students on "how to contribute to fedora" with his excellent presentation skill. 

Unable to complete openhouse session due to lack of time. But fortunately we distributed Fedora DVD, Badges and some RedHat Goodies sponsored by RedHat India GLS Team. 

Thanks Pravin Satpute, Pushpendra Chavan, Ipsita Chatterji, Dr.U.B.Shinde and Dr.S.P.Abhang

(The Fedora Release Even URL -